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Throughout this guide ‘Anti-Cheat(s)’ may be referred to as ‘AC’ or ‘ACs’

ACs are an integral part of any public server and help with catching hackers, since Minecraft’s built-in anti-cheat is practically useless, it’s better to turn it off than to endure the constant false positives it spews out.

You should change the following settings within the file.


Within the spigot.yml file you should also set the following values.

moved-wrongly-threshold: 100000.0
moved-too-quickly-multiplier: 100000.0

For the recommended anti-xray settings click here.

We highly discourage the usage of auto-bans as no anti-cheat is perfect. If you want to auto-ban, consider having something like AntiCheatReplay so that you can undo false bans.

Common Anti-Cheats

This list consists common ACs and some pros and cons of each AC.

NoCheatPlus Spigot / Paper & forks only

  • Free and open-source
  • Good movement checks
  • Default configuration will spam false movement positives all over the place, you should buy a good config (eg. MarkElf’s) OR make your own
  • Mediocre combat checks

Grim Spigot / Paper & forks only

  • Open-source
  • Great movement checks
  • Predictive technology
  • Currently WIP, not ready for production servers
  • Mediocre combat checks
  • Quite unoptimized

Vulcan Spigot / Paper & forks only

  • Great movement and combat checks
  • Good default config
  • USD 20.00
  • Suboptimal performance when scaled to high player counts (>3% of ticks at 420 players)

Spartan Spigot / Paper & forks only

  • 14-day money-back guarantee
  • Good Bedrock Checks
  • Decent movement checks
  • EUR 22.49
  • Relatively poor combat checks
  • Crashes on start up at times
  • Sub-par performance

Matrix Spigot / Paper & forks only

  • Decent movement and combat checks
  • Bad default config, but there are some good ones out there
  • USD 20.00 (With 95% Checks) and USD 129.00 (All Checks)
  • Dedicated Server Limit
  • Terrible performance; Ate up >5% of the ticks at 135 players

Themis Spigot / Paper & forks only

  • Free
  • Proper Geyser-Floodgate (Bedrock Players) checks (Only reason to use this anti-cheat)
  • Bad Combat & Mediocre Movement checks (Bad Elytra, Timer, KillAura Checks)
  • Lack of checks in general

SoaromaSAC (Config 6) Spigot / Paper & forks only

  • Free
  • Bad Checks
  • Infinite False Positives
  • Fake Open Source Link. Leads to a Rick Roll

Negativity v1 & v2 All major Java platforms

  • Free & Open Source
  • Paid Version (v2) is Open Source
  • v2 supports a lot of platforms (Minestom, Sponge, Fabric & more)
  • Lacks some important checks (No Elytra Checks, NoSlow Checks etc)
  • Poor movement and combat checks


  • Great movement and combat checks
  • Works out-of-the-box on most servers
  • Cloud-based detections, which helps reducing stress on server resources
  • Subscription plans starting at EUR 15/month
  • Limitations on player count, server instances and dedicated servers based on subscription plan


Both Astro and Vulcan offer a great price to performance ratio. However, Astro will be significantly lighter on system resources. Also, Vulcan will support Bedrock in the near future. Astro already supports it.